Friday, September 23, 2011

Intellectual Property Rights in Environmental & Natural History Collections: A preliminary discussion

In an era where digitization and networking technologies offer a new way for environmental and natural history institutions, like natural history museums and science centers, to promote their services to the general public, new challenges rise on the field on intellectual property rights. Natural Europe project aim is to make natural history knowledge accessible on an open access basis to a wide spectrum of end-users, through Europeana portal. The value the project delivers is not merely in making works available online, but in the open access terms under which the works are available. Therefore understanding Intellectual Property considerations is fundamental in achieving this goal. 
The aim of this paper is to enable a further discussion on issues concerning the intellectual property rights for environmental and natural history collections.

Contributed by Effie Tsiflidou, Alexios Dimitropoulos, Zoi A. Makrodimitri & Nikos Palavitsinis.

View/download submitted paper from HERE.
Click HERE to evaluate the paper.


  1. This is a really interesting paper, discussing the issue of IPRs. This topic is a "hot potato" especially in this era of digital and digitized content, which is hard to control.

    Even though it specifically presents the case of Natural Europe project, this paper provides interesting information about the status of IPR in Natural History museums of Europe providing interesting details that could be used as a basis for relevant research in different areas.

  2. This paper is targeting a very interesting and important topic that is not covered by most projects as well as standards and specifications.
    It is showing that also the Europeana specification ESE is containing only one metadata element on IPR (chapter 4.3.1). The next chapter presents the adaptation fpor the pruposes of the EU project (therefore the table title should be changed).
    It would be a good improvement and important information for the readers to integrate new ISO standard for metadata MLR: It is providing many metadata elements for IPR as it is one of the core and main objectives for intriducing MLR as a new standard based on DC.

  3. The paper is interesting and the issue is critical with the era of digitalization. It is well written and pleasant to read.
    Good balance between examples and analyse/study.

  4. The paper presents the concequences on IPR from the technological advances point of view. It examines the IPR in the Natural Europe project and other projects and how IPR are used. It is an interesting article and shows the importance of IPR in the new technological era.

  5. The topic of the paper is a very interesting one and it tackles an important issue of our days.

    In the paper it is mentioned that some content it is free to be used if it is for educational purposes.
    As a suggestion, the authors could make a small research and maybe add some paragraph regarding the IPRs if the content is given by universities. The educational content shared will be free or not?

  6. Very interesting, informative and relevant presentation!
