Friday, September 23, 2011

Publishing and Linking Semantically Annotated Agro-Environmental resources to LOD with AGROPub

Publishing agro-environmental resources to a linked open data (LOD) cloud requires publishers to adopt a set of universally recognized linked data principles. These principles, along with semantic annotations based on shared domain ontologies can ensure the semantic integration of agro-environmental resources. In this paper we present a resource-publishing system, called AGROPub, that we developed to aid agro-environmental resource providers to annotate, publish and integrate their resources to LOD. The system comprises services and tools that enable resource providers to annotate their resources by relevant concepts from selected agro-environmental domain ontologies, to generate and publish RDF descriptions of the resources to LOD and to link the published resources to related resources from LOD. In addition to the services and tools dedicated to resource providers, AGROPub provides services and tools that enable consumers of the agro-environmental resources to search and annotate published resources by adding their own annotations as well as to evaluate them based on given criteria.

Contributed by Sasa Nesic, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli & Ioannis N. Athanasiadis.

View/download submitted paper from HERE.
Click HERE to evaluate the paper.


  1. We need this. Where is this AGROpub?

  2. The paper is describing AGROPub as an application. It provides an interesting account to publishing LOD data, in this case following a "manual" approach. However, the paper is not describing the main elements of the underlying ontology and how the LD is produced. Maybe this is published in other paper but at least a small summary or some hints on the example provided in the screenshots should have been included.

  3. @msicilia: more details on the underlying ontologies can be found in the following paper:

  4. @damata: we are working on making AGROpub open source project. It will be available soon.

  5. I found the information provided about the resource annotation and publishing really interesting, since it provided me with the opportunity to compare the suggested solution with the one that we currently use for the same purpose in the VOA3R project.

    In general, the paper describes thoroughly the various steps included in the specific procedure and the AGROPub platform. I really like to see new solutions proposed in this specific field, with their advantages and disadvantages compared to other similar platforms.

  6. Who will actually upload resources? Examples would be good.

  7. Really interesting and complete work for demonstrating to publish semantically annotated agricultural resources

  8. @Sasanesic : thanks for the link above. Is the AGROpub somewhere now?
